Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Bruthaz

Here's Doug, on the right. He lives in California and says dude a lot.

This is Kevin, the oldest of the brothers four. He is a graphic designer, as you can tell by the picture.

This is Justin, a.k.a., "the dot communist." He once took up sewing to make his own uniforms. Now he is in Chicago with the rest of the commies. There is also Ranger, the dog of the house.

Baseball's Here

Opening day is around the corner, and Erin says that Carson is a bit too young to venture out to Safeco. So the little guy will have to come with me next year. I pulled out this picture of a Mets vs. Yankees "Subway Series." We bought tickets in the very last row at Shea stadium, and behind us there was nothing but a chain link fence that would let the freezing ocean winds were killing us. Brandon was so cold that he was forced to buy a Mets beanie just to avoid freezing to death. I won't talk about the Mets heartbreaking season, which still gets me choked up. Its the closest I've been to the World Series. I'll give my thoughts on the M's coming up.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Thursday night, the night before we had the baby, a much anticipated showdown took place between the Bellevue 8th single adult ward B-ball team, led by Tony Gibbs, versus Issaquah 3rd ward, with Tony's longtime rival Greg, aka "hook shot". You can see in this picture Greg shooting right over Tony, #45, as he stands in a stupor.

Tony was sportin' the big pipes, but unfortunately they went largely un-used, as his fear of shooting limited him to a passing-rebounding role.

B-8 ultimately won the game, the not-so-secret ingredient being a bunch of ringers they brought in from Bally's athletic club. Thanks to my sweetheart Erin, who cheered (laughed) me on and took these pictures, while experiencing mild contractions, and then gave birth to Carson 12 hours later!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Griffey Injures Neck

I just thought this pic of Griffey was funny. "Help, I hurt me neck!"
Is Griffey the greatest center-fielder of his generation? ESPN claims so. You could certainly make the argument he is the most talented. But the latter half of his career has been a serious disappointment.

Intervention Time?

This has gone on too long. Its time to confront Kevin about his self-destructive lifestyle. And what's going on with that hat?

Cool pictures of the sun.

I don't really think about the sun very much. But these pictures are amazing. They were taken recently by a new Japanese satellite. Each one of those explosions on the sun's surface is between 8000-16,000 kilometers tall.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

fishin on the provo river this summer, and out pops this moose. nearly had to change my waders. he looks like he is about to charge. he was no bullwinkle.

that moose must have scared away all the big browns because all I caught was this little feller. Yup, it was all the moose's fault, no doubt.

Power Tools

This is my nail gun. It is fun to play with. If you need anything nailed, call me and I will do it for free.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Weekend in review

1. Went to lunch and the range with Dad and Joe B. Dad shot his 404 and Joe shot this weird single shot 30-06 pistol. I should have got a picture.

2. Played with the new power tools, which include a nail gun, compressor, and circular saw (hitachi). I'm an almost all hitachi tool man. Check out the family blog to see pics of the beadboard in the nursery, it turned out really nice.

3. Put together this piece of crap cabinet by Coleman (see pic). The back of it was, no joke, made of paper! So I threw the paper away and cut a plywood backing to it. It will do okay to hold paint and other things I don't care about in an unnoticed corner of the garage.

The question is, what is the best garage storage cabinet for the money? Costco makes great shelves, but I want something enclosed to keep dust out.
I'm thinking about these ones from lowes:

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to my System.

Greetings friends, family, and others. This blog is a random collection of things I find interesting. Feel free to leave comments.